Amelie subtitles
Amelie subtitles

In the video lesson above, I lead you into watching the scene five times: → Use of Allez ! + fun parallel between “ un chef-d’œuvre ” (= a masterpiece) and “ un hors-d’œuvre” (= an appetizer.) = All right! I’m trading his masterpieces for my appetizers.

  • Allez ! J’échange ses chefs-d’œuvre contre mes hors-d’œuvre.
  • → Use of La reprise (“ Vous, vous…” = As for you, you…), and fun play on both physical and metaphorical meanings of “ passer l’éponge” (= pass a sponge / forgive) and “ son ardoise” (= his slate / his tab at the café.)
  • Vous, vous passez l’éponge sur son ardoise.
  • Two “ bons mots” (= “a good word”, a witticism) from the scene:
  • Au fur et à mesure (= as it goes, bit by bit).
  • Bref (= “Short” = In short / Long story short).
  • Du coup (= Therefore, As a consequence), a short expression that’s used almost as a filler word.
  • amelie subtitles

    Short expressions to make your French flow better: → Click here to learn more: 10 popular French Slang Words for Everyday Life Un type is a common slang word for “ a guy”.Let’s review some of the vocabulary that they use in the scene: Allez ! C’est du sponsoring.Īh, I’m trading his masterpieces for my hors-d’oeuvres. – Ah, j’échange ses chefs-d’œuvre contre mes hors-d’œuvre. Yeah, that’s it, he’s going to sign you his manuscript, and you’re going to erase his tab! – C’est ça, il vous dédicace son manuscrit, et vous, vous passez l’éponge sur son ardoise ! Here, Mrs Suzanne, I’m going to sign you the manuscript they sent me back. – Tenez, Mme Suzanne, je vais vous dédicacer le manuscrit qu’ils m’ont envoyé. So basically, it’s a story about a guy who does nothing. – Bref, en gros, c’est l’histoire d’un type qui fait rien ! He’s writing in advance the catastrophic version of what could happen to him …il écrit à l’avance la version catastrophe de ce qu’il pourrait lui arriver.

    amelie subtitles

    Seulement au lieu d’écrire au fur et à mesure ce qu’il lui arrive,Įxcept, instead of writing every day what’s happening to him, No, it’s… the story of a guy who writes his journal – Non, c’est… l’histoire d’un type qui écrit son journal. – Et votre livre, sinon… ? C’est une histoire d’amour?Īnd your book, by the way…? It’s a love story? Although the film is 20 years old it still has all its charm and will make you leave the aula with a smile on your face.Ĭast: Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, Rufus a.o.Here are the subtitles that we added to the scene, in one go: The musical score by Yann Tiersen is almost as famous as the film and the film was nominated for 5 Oscars. On the way she falls in love with Nino (Mathieu Kassovitz) who's hobby it is to collect photos from automatic photo booths. She helps her father by making him believe that his gnome from the garden is on a trip around the world, she helps a lonely neighbor by just visiting him, she helps a stranger by returning something she found in her home. Not by doing great big things or giving money, but by little things. We have a wonderful story about Amélie who decides to help people around her, making them happy.

    amelie subtitles

    The story about Amélie (Audrey Tautou) is a modern-day fairy tale and that is exactly how the entire film looks.

    amelie subtitles

    News & Calendar Open submenu News & CalendarĪbout the film: 'Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain' finds its charm in the little things.

    Amelie subtitles